Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, will ever get this image out of my mind. It will haunt me all the days of my I was forced to use the coping mechanism I save for the most serious emergencies of the psyche--DARK HUMOR, my personal favorite. Hope you enjoy..., but I will give you fair warning. It is unsettling to say the least. Scroll down at your own risk...
It's worse than this:
And here I always thought RYAN was the bottom of the ticket...
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Truly Poetic Justice...and I REALLY want to attend this birth! |
And this:
And this:

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Okay... here goes...
"My husband says he's going to lay off on my nightly beat-downs until I'm completely healed, and just focus on his other 3 wives until my rectal tear heals!" "Good for you, Sally, I can see the swelling is going down already from that re-broken jaw--wonderful! I'm so lucky Dick's a sub. I thank Father for it every day!" Woman in back: "What are they so happy about? We're all treated like slaves in this "gated community". I hate Utah. I can't believe I ran away from home 7 years ago just to end up some creep's "wife." How can I get out of here? He's late on my dose--I feel sick. Oh hell, what if I'm pregnant again? I NEED MY DOSE! Maybe I have a Valium stashed in my purse to hold me over. I can't believe he makes me show up and cheer for this ass-hat. Just keep the fake smile plastered on my face...keep the fake smile..." Man in back: "Hi Harold. Hi Rachel. Hey, your daughter here is almost 14, right? My youngest wife is getting too old for me--almost can see her. How about we get together and do some negotiating. Remember that 40 acres of timber land you had your eye on? How about we discuss it after Temple? Yeah? All right! *sniffling sounds* Whoa, Harold, if she's a crier I may have to cut that down to 30 acres..." (captions by yours truly) |
Those poor, indoctrinated children. Well, I suppose they're no longer children judging by the age of these Momnies. By now they are well into mid-life and part of the "great 'merKKKan Teahad"and sullying the minds of their own innocently born little bayyybees. Sigh...
And another thing that really upsets me as a Secular Pagan is that Mormons sew traditional Pagan symbols into the breasts and genital areas of their magic underwear! First Pagan holidays and festivals were usurped and then banned by death penalty by Christian zealots. I have no issue with Christianity, which would be fine if they actually followed the teachings of Yeshua bin Joseph (popularly known as Jesus) and didn't do all that filthy violent shit--you know like the Holy Wars and the Inquisition (practitioners of BDSM are forever grateful for their lesser inventions for torture however--though extreme and horrific torture OR war in the name of ANY "god" is just ludicrous to any thinking human) the burning of alleged "witches" and the torture and death of anyone NOT Catholic. How ironic that we now are so unable to understand Muslims who are going through the same growing pains Christianity did centuries ago...
Religion taken to extremes is ALWAYS TOXIC! Nature requires balance. Life can thrive no other way.
That Bible really has some history though, I mean aside from the fact that it has been translated into virtual meaninglessness, and that one can find arguments both pro and con for just about any issue in it. Oh, AND the fact that most Xtians (these are the people who call themselves Christians, but would call "Jesus" a dirty, stinking liberal, or worse, if they actually MET him) have never bothered to READ the thing, and wouldn't or didn't understand it if they did. So they pick a church or temple or just keep going to the one their parents went to, blindly following the sheep, and it's just a big social thing completely detached in any real way from worship or gratitude or being a better person...or stewards of this precious Earth.
The thing that really burns me about the Bible is the Council of Nicea, which happened in 325 AD. Good old Constantine (the real one, not the idealized, romanticized one from the film) called together all the rich and powerful men from around his world and they sat down and THEY, not "God" decided what would and would NOT be in the Catholic/Christian Bible. Most Xtians and true Christians alike are unaware of this fact. Ministers, Pastors and Priests don't dwell on this too much, but Constantine et al did indeed reject the Gnostics as a people all together because they didn't agree with "their" Christianity--it was truly a case of might makes right--and I mean that absolutely LITERALLY. In addition, other complete books, some of which the Jewish religion still keeps were rejected and the council burned complete books, scrolls and scriptures (and later on the Pope burned plenty of "sodomites" and other people too) they did not find "useful."
I may be a Pagan, but I am peaceful. I don't worship any kind of satan or dark lord because we don't believe in such, nor do we believe in hell and punishing fire and brimstone and everlasting torment...anywhere. We believe in spiritual growth through a path of learning and doing good in our lives and respecting our ancestors by making wise choices in our current lives. I do not believe in offerings of anything not intended to be consumed or burned and that does not grow naturally. I believe in making offerings...of gratitude and prayer and good deeds to my fellow human kind and most of all I believe in caring for this beautiful, magnificent world of ours.
Paganism is the oldest spiritual belief in the world and Secular Paganism is an emerging non-religious system of beliefs and ethics based upon 15 earth based principles I won't get into here. Even I can only serve up so much alphabet soup at a time. Paganism, despite being the most misunderstood of all beliefs, is the most evolved.
It's the "baby" religions, still going through growing pains during which they think theirs is the only path to truth and enlightenment, that offer the greatest danger to society. Look at early Christians and Muslim extremists with Sharia law and Jihad now. Another phrase for all that is MASS PSYCHOSIS! So judge me not and you shall not be judged. I do not believe that women and men are the same, but I believe that all humans are born with the same potential value whether male or female. None of this is unreasonable and none of this serves any dark power. I am a healer, by science and by spirit.
The Bible was edited by Constantine and a bunch of power hungry MEN to take out ALL references to women in roles of power or equality and disallowed them as Priests, paving the way for completely subservient nuns, and turned the "great book" into a means of keeping the unwashed masses in line and women in convents as a means of punishment for refusing marriage at a tender age to men old enough to be their grandfathers. If these children accepted arranged marriages, it kept them little more than a barefoot and pregnant slave class from puberty until their premature deaths by childbirth. Men who survived through the wars of the ages often outlives several wives. That was the norm. My own Grandfather outlived two and was on his third, considerably younger, wife at the time of his death in his early 70's.
That "great council" also totally obliterated all references to Mary, the greatest of Christ's Disciples, very likely his wife, given single Jewish men in their thirties were exceedingly rare in those days, and to add further insult, intentionally confused her with the whore of Babylon. And this is VERY MUCH how people like Paul Ryan and Mitt Ryan see women weaker vessels, a sub-class of beings, and if allowed to run wild, little more than whores, which is why they seek to punish female sexuality by banning abortion and making birth control prohibitively expensive, and of course ending Planned Parenthood and the women's health services such as mammograms and cervical cancer screenings they provide on a sliding fee basis.
The gist of what I'm saying is that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan would put women, meaning over half the human beings in this nation, back to the FOURTH CENTURY! Please don't let them do that, and if you're a man or mother of sons reading this, remember...enforced child-bearing means a LOT of young (and not so young) men will be paying a LOT of child support instead of following their dreams in life. That's just logic.
Thanks for following me on this little stream of consciousness excursion. Please forgive any typos. I am seeing double and will be unable to spell check this until later. I hope you got some laughs from the pictures and captions. It was all intended in good humor. Blessings and bounty to you and yours in this Harvest Season. Don't forget to laugh. It's very good for you.