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Politics Ann Romney Style |
By now even the derp-squad running the Romney campaign has to be rethinking their idea of using "the Missus" to soften Mitt's image--to show his softer, more humane side. That is unless they are showing us he must be a freaking SAINT to put up with this shrieking shrew!
Don't get me wrong. I am NO fan of Mitt Romney, but even I of the blazing heart would become robotic if I had to put up with someone like HER for life. This woman is SO used to getting her way in all things all the time; she is so used to looking down that patrician nose of hers at we smallfolk, to steal a word from my favorite author, George R.R. Martin of Games of Thrones fame (READ HIS BOOKS--READ ALL HIS BOOKS--SUPERBLY SMART, GRITTY and SEXY!) that it's surprising bird shit doesn't fall out when she looks back down to stare into the camera to harangue us and wax eloquent on her husband's Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints God-likeness.
Seriously, this bitch (meaning yours truly) knows a stone cold snob when she sees one. (Okay enough speaking of myself in third person--poetic license or not, it's creepy.) Let's break it down a little, shall we?
1. Mrs. R. does not care, as a WOMAN about women's issues, which is a major turn-off for me as an
"A is For" backer http://www.aisfor.org/
which is entirely selfish on her part. She, like me, has given birth (well I had C-sections--nothing larger than a penis has ever passed through my "birth canal", thank you) to only sons, so she has no reason to worry about daughters needing reproductive rights in the future, so if her husband outlaws birth control and ALL reproductive rights for women, so be it as far as she's concerned.
2. People with their wealth will always be able to fly to wherever abortion/reproductive services are available. I never used to understand why people like the Romneys were SO against birth control yet SO against childhood nutrition and education...which is reason number two, the chilling soullessness of being willing to deprive little beings one DEMANDS be born of basic human necessities, like food, shelter and medical care.
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Did I have this self-entitled, elitist cow pegged from the get-go or what? |
3. Then I finally figured it out. It is the UNDER-EDUCATED, most poor, southern, rural people, who vote against their own best interests, who vote republican, so the more of them the better! It's an intentional PLAN and the most unnatural of ideas for a MOTHER, a MATERNAL FIGURE to even ponder, much less actively participate in DOING! And THIS is why I so loathe Ann Romney and wealthy republican women in general. They know better, they KNOW what they're doing, and they just don't care, because their bottom line is their bank balance. The only god they worship is MONEY! I can't believe it took me so long to put these ideas together to form a cohesive whole--I suppose because it goes so against every fibre of decency in my very being.
...and as per usual I digress. I'm supposed to be talking about Queen Ann's sandbox hissy fit.
When speaking to Fox news Wednesday about the Presidential debate and fact checkers (FINALLY) calling her husband on his many lies, her caustic response was as follows:
“I mean, lied about what?" she responded. "It’s sort of like someone that’s, you know, in the sandbox that like lost the game and they’re just going to kick sand in someone’s face and say, 'you liar.' I mean, it’s like they lost, and so now they just are going to say, okay, the game, we didn’t like the game. So to me, it’s poor sportsmanship."
It was beyond ridiculous. Truly laughable. She knows he's lying. Her body language and micro-expressions (oh how I love my DVR) are priceless! She's not fooling anyone not ready and willing to be fooled (because they just cannot stand the idea of a half-black man being POTUS).
It has, in a very real way, gotten to the point with her dahhhhhrling husband where it's far easier to point out where he has NOT lied than where he has. The list is far shorter...as in ZERO major stances. Not ONE major issue exists on which Mitt has not flipped, flopped, back-pedaled and outright lied, often within a twelve hour period! It's as if they're Amish, not Mormon, and intentionally ignorant of the digital era, despite being caught again and again and again, in lie after lie after lie. Lie about what, she says? Give me a goddam break!
Yes, of course, it is now accepted fact that the GOP is full of magical thinkers. And "magical thinking" is actually a psychological/medical term by the way, for what very young children (and mentally ill people) do when trying to explain things to themselves that they are too naive (or mentally ill) to understand about the real world. It is NOT appropriate for adults, but that does not stop the republicans. They cling to it like over-large children with their bankies. When truth tellers try to explain real world facts to them they react, as Mrs. Romney did, with outrage and indignation, just like over-indulged children who don't want to give up their pacifiers (or mental patients).
It has, in a very real way, gotten to the point with her dahhhhhrling husband where it's far easier to point out where he has NOT lied than where he has. The list is far shorter...as in ZERO major stances. Not ONE major issue exists on which Mitt has not flipped, flopped, back-pedaled and outright lied, often within a twelve hour period! It's as if they're Amish, not Mormon, and intentionally ignorant of the digital era, despite being caught again and again and again, in lie after lie after lie. Lie about what, she says? Give me a goddam break!
Yes, of course, it is now accepted fact that the GOP is full of magical thinkers. And "magical thinking" is actually a psychological/medical term by the way, for what very young children (and mentally ill people) do when trying to explain things to themselves that they are too naive (or mentally ill) to understand about the real world. It is NOT appropriate for adults, but that does not stop the republicans. They cling to it like over-large children with their bankies. When truth tellers try to explain real world facts to them they react, as Mrs. Romney did, with outrage and indignation, just like over-indulged children who don't want to give up their pacifiers (or mental patients).
I was raised in a tourist mecca within a few hours travel time from one of the MAJOR major cities in the United States. We learn young how to separate the fibs (colloquialism for tourists) from the feebs and local yokels. Pranking the rich is just another form of cheap entertainment for the "quaint" children running barefoot among the wildflowers in the meadows along the shore...where the effing tourists will go from 70 to 0 with no warning--despite the miles of traffic behind them--to take a picture of the "little darlings." Never mind the carnage they cause; they have insurance. More self-absorbed people I have never seen--until Ann and Mitt Romney appeared on my television screen, in all their high definition glory. Yuck. Those FANGS! Though in fairness I think she's had a LOT of this taken care of. Hell, if I had her money I'd look like Angelina Jolie! Looking at her unattractively over lipo-sucked neck in the pic from Wednesday I must admit I'm concerned about her thyroid though...it's a bit enlarged. Thyroid problems could be the source of some of her displaced and inappropriate rage issues...and again I digress...
I didn't know Mormon's did Halloween? |
I don't suppose the Romneys are all that different from any other malignant narcissists. They all look down on we the smallfolk, so many of whom have IQ's twice as high as Ann's and CERTAINLY Mitt's (who has clearly NOT made his own way in life, given what we've seen of his "talents" thus far). He and the rest of the Richie Richsters are given all the opportunity and education the world has to offer, but lack the sense to realize the handles of their silver spoons are hanging out their asses.
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