I saw a story on what has become my very favorite web-site today: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2012/07/22/who-is-bandar-bush/
It was basically a question/answer and quote from Woodward's Bush book regarding the obvious, given the title of my post and the story. I hated to waste all the work I put into the comment I posted there so I'm sharing it here too. I hope anyone who stops by here enjoys it:
I had always thought "Bandar Bush" was the nickname Saudi royalty gave Bush as a term of endearment during all those visits and business dealings they had pre, during, and post 9/11...when, well, the Saudis (what a COINCIDENCE) attacked the twin towers, over which Bush's brother (real, blood brother, not money brother) was head of security, thus causing Bush to exclaim gleefully that he'd "won the trifecta!" and gotten his approval ratings to climb from the dismal twenties upward as war approached. It's such a perfect circle, isn't it?
***Lucky, lucky me, thought George, that them there uber-rich, powerful Saudis was around when so many wonderful COINCIDENCES seemed to happen in such a timely fashion for me. And gee-golly-whiz, I just happened to get rid-a ol' what's his name, that pesky FBI feller who was on to some crazy conspiracy theory about us wantin' to invade Iraq too, cuz his office was right there in one of them buildings. Lucky too that me and Cheney and turd blossom was able to fool so many dumb-ass 'merkans into believing it was Iraqis and not Saudis who done did the attack too, so's we could illegally invade and occupy a sandbox nation that had absolutely NOTHIN' to do with 9/11...har har. Then daddy could make that there tax-free business 'topia over there and make us butt-loads of money. Guess that plan didn't work out quite as well...heh heh...oh well. Pass me a beer and that bowl-a pretzels, Laura...LAURA...aww dammit she done took too much Xanax and passed out again....***
Sorry George...I mean Bandar...I mean you murdering P.O.S.