
Friday, July 20, 2012

Romney's Thrilled by Shooting

You KNOW that Romney is secretly THRILLED about this shooting. Finally a news day in which he isn't being hounded about his taxes. Don't be too relieved, Willard. We haven't forgotten, and we won't. 

While you are celebrating this tragedy with your evil elitist wife and trying to count how many victims are black and therefore don't "count" in your bigoted cult-religion, most of America is honestly mourning these victims and wondering what would drive a twenty-four year old, even in the days of hate-filled radio broadcasts full of conspiracy theories, to destroy so many lives as well as his own.

Enjoy it while you can, you vile P.O.S. I'm sure you're hoping this tragedy will carry you over to the Olympics and then we'll all forget, but we won't....we won't....

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